Educating and Improving Cancer Prevention


Have you considered leaving a gift in your will?
We are always grateful for donations made by our generous supporters, whether they are one off donors, or support us each year.

One way to help us is by leaving a bequest in your will. Most people don’t like to think about the end of life, but by leaving a gift in your will, you leave a thoughtful legacy to help people in need. If you’d like to leave us a gift, we would be truly grateful. We’ve included a couple of clauses that you might like to put into your will, but if you’d like more guidance or information, please phone us on 1300 880 695.

Please seek legal advice when considering your will. We always encourage you to discuss your wishes with your family and loved ones, so that there is no ill feeling, and to ensure the successful donation of your intended gifts.

Thank you for all your support, and best wishes from the team at Cancer Prevention & Support Association.

Donation of a specific amount

I give devise and bequeath to the Cancer Prevention & Support Association of PO Box 241, Goodwood SA 5034 (“The Association”) the sum of $________, which sum shall be directed to such specific or continuing programs as a responsible officer of the Association sees fit and I declare that a receipt from a proper officer of the Association shall be a complete and sufficient discharge to my executors of their responsibilities hereunder.

Donation of the residue of your estate

I give devise and bequeath to the Cancer Prevention & Support Association of PO Box 241, Goodwood SA 5034 (“The Association”) ____% of the value of my residuary estate, which sum shall be directed to such specific or continuing programs as a responsible officer of the Association sees fit and I declare that a receipt from a proper officer of the Association shall be a complete and sufficient discharge to my executors of their responsibilities hereunder

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